Growing Begins!

There’s been some action in the garden since last weekend.

The tomato seeds I planted two weeks ago are beginning to turn into little seedlings.


Of the seeds I planted last weekend under cover a few are starting to show, such as the broccoli and cauliflower.


Hopefully more will be showing by next weekend. I didn’t expect any action in the main beds yet, but I was surprised! On Saturday morning one of the beans I planted in the legume bed was just starting to show. By Saturday afternoon it had its first two leaves and three other beans were starting to show. While there was no sign of any of the pumpkins or melons on Saturday, one appeared to be sending up something green this morning when I gave them a quick check.


Here you can see one of my cucumbers! Of the three I planted a week ago two are showing.


It’s hard to see In photos yet, but the two rows of salad and row of beetroot and silverbeet I planted are already showing too!

We still had a lot to do this weekend. I (with my young man’s help) finally finished digging out the ditch beside the fence. He was impressed when he realised how dense the clay I’d been hacking through was! We started edging this section with a cheap plastic garden edging that looked not so bad when we dug it into the ground rather than sitting it on top. We stoped because we ran out of pegs to pin the edging down. We also finished building the herb bed and planted the herbs in. This was a bit haphazard as we both had differing ideas of planting herbs in clumps v’s planting them in rows so each did our own thing, moving each other plants etc. as we went, but it was quite fun.


The big space in the middle is for the rosemary.


Finally, before the sun went, we managed to put up a little bit more of the fence. If you see the metal rod leaning against the fence post, we put up the palings to the left of that. Not much, bit it’s good to have a bit more of it up.


This photo I took this morning. You can just see the ditch by the fence where it has the edging. My young man planted some corn in there (after telling me he didn’t want to use that ditch for corn or grapes!) and you might just be able to see the corn planted in the ground. I think he must have had a moment of weakness when he walked past the corn seedlings while buying a new hose so I’ll forgive him.

We’ve come a long way in the past few weeks and now it will be exciting to see how the plants come along in the next few weeks! I’ve learnt a lot can grow in a week!

2 thoughts on “Growing Begins!

  1. It all looks wonderful and I wish you lots of gardening luck! We never have much success with corn seedlings, planting from seed seems to work best with them; it may be different for you given your climate is quite different to ours in SA. What type of soil did you use to fill your beds? We top ours up with lots of compost and chicken manure every season, plus mulch them with pea straw (being in QLD you could use sugar cane mulch) and once a year we grow a green manure crop. It makes a huge difference to the soil and keeps it friable for the next crop. I will keep checking your progress with interest 🙂


    • Thank you for your comment and well wishes! I was looking at corn seed but didn’t buy it as corn got relegated to a ‘project for next year’ as we haven’t even started digging up the paddock where he wants to put it. My boyfriend bought the soil so I don’t know the details of it, but whatever it is it is better than what’s there. Sadly we don’t have any of our own compost, we were planning on starting one earlier this year but next thing we knew it was winter and then spring snuck up, but getting a compost heap is next on the agenda (along with the chicken coop). I was planning on using sugar cane mulch and green manure crops is something else I’ve been looking into.


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